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What's New

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What's New


EBT (Extra Block Types): Core new release 1.4.24

This release added new settings for Background Videos, It also add support for Local Videos.

New EBT Columns / Container module!

Edit Extra Block Types (EBT): Columns / Container module provides ability to insert columns with other blocks. Columns have settings for column width.

EPT (Extra Paragraph Types): Core new release 1.4.3

This release contains a new submodule EPT Starterkit.

EPT Starterkit module allows to generate new EPT modules (for Drush 12+):

drush generate ept:module
Make sure, you use ept_* prefix for machine_name (e.g. ept_tabs, ept_cards). The prefix ept_* is required for EPT block functionality.

Creating new EPT module

Start machine name with ept_* prefix, it's required for working all EPT modules.

New EPT Block module!

Extra Paragraph Types: Block module provides ability to insert an existing block as EPT Paragraph.

EPT (Extra Paragraph Types): Core new release 1.4.1

This release contains:
#3418633 by saccard: Ignores customized paragraph--ept-accordion-section--default.html.twig in theme folder

Templates for EPT/EBT blocks and paragraphs now can be overidden in theme template folder by using addionally '--custom' suffix in template name. For example:



New EBT Views module!

Extra Block Types: Views module provides ability to add an existing View as EBT Block.

New EPT Webform Popup module!

Extra Paragraph Types: Webform Popup module provides ability to add Webform in popup. The button and popup are customizable with Settings form. This module will be helpful for creating Contact Us form popup.

New EPT Webform module!

Extra Paragraph Types: Webform module provides ability to add a paragraph with Webform.

EPT (Extra Paragraph Types): Core new release 1.4.7

This release added new settings for Background Videos, It also add support for Local Videos.

All EBT blocks have next settings for Background Videos.